Over the last few weeks so much has changed. So many things are different and so many things are still so uncertain. While we are not considered an essential business under the current criteria we have closed down the store front which was heart breaking to not only myself and the wonderful gals that work for me but also to every other business like me on our Main Street and many other main streets across the country and the world. We are all in this together and we are all going through similar things.
I tried to accommodate curbside pick-up times and navigate the shelter-in-place rule but once things because over-whelming we decided to make it a little easier on not just ourselves but also YOU!
So my normal life was working 6-7 days a week outside the home, with 2 high schoolers and one grade schooler at in school or at home, 3 employees (who are like family), a husband who worked outside the home 5 days a week and a whole lot of restaurant options for dinner.
Then all the sudden my house is full of children all day, I'm teaching 4th grade math, reading, writing, social studies and some seriously complex stuff I have no clue about to a very reluctant 9 year old who thinks that if he fights hard enough I'll quit (he apparently has no idea who he'd dealing with), making 3 meals a day for FIVE people, keeping 2 high-schoolers on the responsible train without derailing their attitudes into "why is my mom so annoying" town, navigating the grocery store, household stuff that I'm pretty sure no one ever did before we were all home together and all while trying to keep my focus on my business and my customers. Not an easy task to say the least - but I know I am not alone in this new way of doing things. There is an adjustment period and while I'm adjusting, I thought it would be nice if we could make things a little easier for you!
From now through April 30th or maybe longer, we will offer Free Shipping to ALL US orders!! It's our way of making sure our local customer (and not so local customers) can still get the products they love without leaving the comfort and SAFETY of their house.
We will get through this and we will come back - all of us - together - hopefully soon.
Keep any eye out for new stuff coming soon! Stay Safe and thank you for supporting us!
Christine, Rachel, Meagan, Abby and Liz